Please complete the application in its entirety!

· Note: The office lookup below includes only active offices. If you are unable to locate your office or are setting up a new office, please submit a Subscriber Agreement. Managing brokers must first subscribe to IRES. Once subscribed, other agents within the office may fill out this form. You may also reach out to IRES for more information at or 800.596.4901.

I agree, as a condition of participation in IRES, to abide by the Rules and Regulations for IRES, LLC (the Rules) and other obligations of participation including payment of fees which will be assessed until cancellation, in writing, is received by IRES. I understand that a violation of the IRES MLS Rules and Regulations or non-payment of fees may result in termination of my IRES privileges and that I may be assessed an administrative processing fee.
I warrant that I have the right to provide text, renderings, images, or other creative items (the Work) to IRES at any time, that no Work provided will infringe or impermissibly use any rights of others, that in the event any claims are made against IRES based upon any Work provided I will indemnify, hold harmless and defend IRES (including but not limited to attorney's fees) and that the Work shall be considered to be in the nature of a work made for hire under the United States Copyright laws. IRES shall own all rights in and to the Work. To the extent that the Work is not deemed to be a work made for hire I hereby assign to IRES all rights, title and interest in and to the Work as of the date of creation of each item. IRES grants in return a non-exclusive license to me to utilize the Work as I desire in my real estate related business matters, pursuant to the Rules.
*** NOTICE ***
I understand that the information provided by IRES is confidential information to be used exclusively by the Subscriber and only for the purposes set forth in the Rules. I further agree as a condition of participation that all system access codes are assigned to me as an individual and may not be used by others! I agree that I will not share or disclose, nor permit others to share or disclose my access codes. I acknowledge that if my access codes are shared, IRES services may be terminated immediately and I agree to pay any fine assessed by IRES, which may be no less than $500.00.
